23 April 2008

ass play

Do you know how many things I have broken by standing on them? A million. The latest? The alice band with the bow that I wear in my hair. I was quite fond of it. It was cheap and they do not have any more in stock at primark. I'm quite sad because I do not think I was done with it.

I've broken at least five mirrors by leaving them on the floor under piles of clothing. I know longer have hand held mirrors as I am pretty sure they will meet the same fate.

This happens because I am untidy. I have an untidy bedroom which I am avoiding cleaning by doing this instead. I'm sure this all simply a symptom of unresolved freudian issues and things like that. Anal stage of childhood development I think is where you are supposed to learn about tidiness. Order. Anal retentive behaviour stems from this stage, is this anal expulsive behaviour? The housekeeping equivalent of shitting everywhere? Perhaps. I'm not into assplay jsyk.

Come to my house and tidy up and i'll hug you and rub your feet and we'll be best friends?

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